
quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2012

Black Again

When you're fed up and lonely
And nothing else seems to matter really

I'll be here waiting for the
Black cloud to leave you
I'll be here to hold your hand
When you're tired and lonely

Hold your breath underwater
And know you'll rise to the
Surface slowly

Think of me as a ship that might hold you

Carry you to the shore
When you're tired and lonely

She can't eat
She can't sleep
She's not well (she's lonely again)
She can't breathe
She's in bed
She's in hell (she's lonely again)

But she'll never
Really be alone
As long as I'm beside her


Na verdade Blue, mas Black tá no título da música, fazer o quê...

Porque às vezes tu só precisas que alguém te cante algo bonitinho assim. Ou, parafraseando Caio, quem sabe seja só uma questão de precisar de outros lugares, de [algumas] outras pessoas e de bebidas mais fortes.

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